Candied Violets

Violets happen to be my sorority’s flower and they grow wild in our yard.  With Mother’s Day around the corner, I thought I’d candy some to top whatever dessert I would make.


First, you find good-sized violets that are in pristine condition.  Pick them with a bit of the stem on them, at least 2″ so that they are easier to handle.

Next, relax and have a bit of sangria while you admire your flowers.  This part is optional, but I wouldn’t recommend skipping it.

violets in basket

Combine 1 egg white with 1 tbsp of water, then dip a small paintbrush into it and lightly sweep across the front and back of each petal.  Gently press the violet face down into a small bowl of powdered sugar and use a knife to carefully mound the sugar on the back of the flower.  Press down lightly, essentially flattening the violet into the sugar.  Pick it up by the stem and give it a quick shake or blow off the excess sugar.

Lay them out on crinkled paper or nonstick foil and arrange them back in their natural state as best you can.  Let them dry for at least 24 hours and store in an airtight container or bag.

violets on paper